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European Social Fund


Following the 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 ESF programme cycles, the education sector in Austria is now taking part in the European Social Fund 2014-2020 programme. The Employment Austria 2014-2020 Operational Programme is based on the Europe 2020 strategy and the National Reform Programme, and was presented as a submission version to the European Commission in summer 2014. The ESF 2014-2020 budget for Austria amounts to around €442 million, plus co-financing by national partners. 

The European Social Fund (ESF) is a structural fund set up by the European Union to compensate existing differences in the Member States and thus promote economic and social cohesion. The ESF is the most important funding instrument for employment policy and is a core element of the EU strategy for growth and employment, aimed at improving the living conditions and career prospects of EU citizens. 

The objectives of the ESF are divided into four priority axes, with priority axis 3 ‘Investment in education, training and retraining for skills and lifelong learning’ being of particular importance in the field of education.  

Coordination of the ESF Employment Programme in the BMBWF

Head / Chair:  Wolfgang Slawik 
 Deputy Head: Regina Barth 
Budget Coordination: Franz Friedrich 
School Coordination:  Wolfgang Slawik 
Vocational Education Coordination Office: Rene Koch 
Adult Education Coordination: Regina Barth
Database Coordination: Doris Wyskitensky
Financial Management Coordination: Heinrich Viehauser

ESF programme cycle 2014-2020

The new ESF programme has three main objectives: increasing employment and labour mobility; combating poverty and discrimination; and investing in education, training and lifelong learning.

ESF programme cycle 2014-2020 (in German only)
