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Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement is a European-wide standardized supplementary document with uniform information to describe higher education degrees. It is intended to facilitate the evaluation and classification of academic degrees for study and professional purposes, both nationally and internationally.

The Diploma Supplement was developed between 1996 and 1998 based on preliminary work by UNESCO and the Council of Europe in a joint working group with the European Commission. Since 2005, it has also been part of Europass, an initiative of European states for the internationally transparent documentation of qualifications and competences relevant to the labour market. The latest updates and corrections were made at the Bologna Ministerial Conference in Paris in 2018 (Revised Diploma Supplement).

In Austria, the issuance and contents of the Diploma Supplement are regulated in the Universitäts- und Hochschulstatistik- und Bildungsdokumentationsverordnung, in short: UHSBV.

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