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International comparative studies

Educational statistics and monitoring (PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS, etc.)

Austria takes part in several international comparative studies in the school sector. One of the best known is the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) study, organised by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which investigates the performance and skills of 15/16 year olds in the fields of reading, mathematics and natural sciences every three years. Another organisation which conducts international comparative performance studies is the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). With TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study), the IEA conducts a study on mathematics and science skills, and with PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) it studies reading skills in the 4th grade of primary school. Austria participated in the last TIMMS (2019) and PIRLS (2016) studies.

The Federal Institute of Economic Research, Innovation and Development of the Austrian School Sector (BIFIE) carries out testing in Austria and reporting relevant to Austria.

The BMBWF’s role in these international studies is strategic planning of Austria’s participation in individual studies and cooperation on planning and further development of the international comparative studies’ individual projects, through membership of and collaboration on the corresponding organisations’ steering committees. The BMBWF fulfils the role of principal when carrying out the studies in Austria.