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Key topics

Key topics are relevant to science and research

Key topics cover content that is relevant to the Austrian higher education and research area. As cross-cutting issues, they may affect science and research as a whole or may be limited to individual areas (such as specific higher education sectors, research institutions or research fields).
Some cover regulatory, steering or coordination activities of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), while others are more informative and advisory in nature. As a result, key topics are found in both main menu items – Higher education & university and Research – and in a number of topic areas in these sections.

BMBWF responsible as the Science Ministry

What these key topics have in common, however, is that they all come under the remit of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and are of considerable importance to the BMBWF in fulfilling its role as the Science Ministry.
The selection of topics provided on the following pages is not an exhaustive list. It is constantly updated, supplemented and expanded.