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STEM stands for the studies and academic disciplines pertaining to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Austria is highly active and internationally successful in research in the STEM disciplines. Leading the pack in this research are the universities, the universities of applied sciences, the institutes of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST-Austria) and other non-university research institutions such as the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) or MedAustron. Access to high-tech research infrastructures is usually a fundamental prerequisite for the STEM sector.

Nonetheless, STEM is often brought up in the public discourse in connection with the big demand on the labour market for graduates of STEM subjects and the need for action to increase the number of students in STEM fields, especially female students.
The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) coordinates priority fields in the STEM sector in collaboration and dialogue with the universities and non-university research institutions and with the Austrian funding agencies the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). These fields include, for example, quantum research, particle physics, artificial intelligence, supercomputing and material sciences. In addition, the BMBWF represents Austria in relevant EU bodies and in international research organisations such as the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Switzerland (CERN) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO), formally the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, in Chile.


Daniel Weselka
Department V/3 – Basic Research (STEM) and Research Infrastructures
T +43 1 53120 6278

Stefan Hanslik
Department V/3 – Basic Research (STEM) and Research Infrastructures
T +43 1 53120 6413

Sabine Hertgen
Department V/3 – Basic Research (STEM) and Research Infrastructures
T +43 1 53120 5803

Reinhard Klang
Department V/3 – Basic Research (STEM) and Research Infrastructures
Minoritenplatz 5, 1010 Vienna
T +43 1 53120 6018

