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Andrássy University

Center for Central Europe

The Center for Central Europe at the Andrássy University Budapest (AUB) was founded in 2010. It focuses on history and culture of the Habsburg Monarchy and it’s succeeder states. Following the intentions of the founders of the university the center defines itself as an interdisciplinary german-speaking platform brining together scholars from all over the region. It sponsors different Master-programmes oft the AUB like Central European History, Cultural Diplomacy and Studies of the Danube Region.

Since 2011 the center also runs a doctoral college for Central European History, where up to 12 graduates, each of them holding a scholarship, work on their disseratations. At the moment the main research focus on the time periode 1848 to 1945, minority studies and nationalities of the daube region. Since 2015 the center publishes a yearbook (Jahrbuch für Mitteleuropäische Studien) which tries to promote the work of young scholars as well of well-established experts.



Georg Kastner
Andrássy Universität Budapest
Pollack Mihály tér 3.
H-1088 Budapest,