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University of Alberta

Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies

The Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies is the only university institute in Canada that devotes itself exclusively to the interdisciplinary study and understanding of Central European subjects. Established in 1998, the Wirth Institute acts as both an academic and cultural institute and sponsors and organizes lectures, conferences, artistic festivals, symposia, concerts, and exhibitions and other scholarly and cultural events with an Austrian and central European theme.

Renamed in October 2003 in recognition of Dr. Manfred and Dr. Alfred Wirth’s generous endowment, our mandate is to raise the profile of Central Europe and Central European Studies in Canada and to provide a leadership role in a network of cooperation in this field with other Canadian universities. We also work with the Embassies of Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia to maintain and enhance Canada‘s most outstanding resource centre for Central European Studies for the use of scholars throughout Canada and the United States.



Joseph F. Patrouch, Director
Wirth Institute for Austrian
and Central European Studies
University of Alberta
Suite 300, Arts Building
Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada T6G 2E6 
T +1 (780) 492-4326
Wirth Institute Website